Patient’s Guide to the Venefit Procedure

As medical technology advances, treatment options for varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) are becoming safer, easier, and less invasive. The Venefit procedure, offered by Dr. Dietzek and his colleagues at the Vein & Vascular Institute, is the culmination of this promising technological evolution. If you’ve been wondering whether your vein problems can be treated effectively without hospitalization and major surgery, you are invited to come in for a conversation with your South Jersey vein doctors. You may find that this simple outpatient procedure, which will require only a couple of hours of your time, can release you from the risk and discomfort of varicose veins.

What Conditions Does the Venefit Procedure Treat?

The Venefit procedure is a highly effective medical treatment, and as such, it is not appropriate for minor “spider veins” and purely cosmetic blemishes. The primary underlying condition that this procedure target is chronic venous insufficiency, which leads to varicose veins. The veins in your legs have small internal valves, which pump blood back up to your heart after it has delivered oxygen to your feet and legs. Under normal conditions, the action of these valves is stimulated by the flexing of your leg muscles. However, several environmental and health conditions can interfere with the effectiveness of these valves and cause blood to pool in your legs. The result is probably all too familiar to you: swelling or aching in your legs after standing, itching or tingling sensations, redness, swollen, ropy-looking veins, and even open sores on your feet or ankles. Research statistics cited by Medscape show that about 40 percent of the adult American public is affected by some venous insufficiency.

How Do Vascular Surgeons Use This Technology?

Unlike the earlier vein treatment known as vein-stripping, the Venefit procedure does not require an operating room or general anesthesia. Because it is far less traumatic to the body and carries so few risks, the Venefit procedure is conducted in an outpatient setting, using only local or regional anesthesia. In the vascular surgeon’s office or vein clinic treatment room, one small leg area is anesthetized, and a fine radiofrequency catheter is inserted into a section of the vein. Short 20-second pulses of radiofrequency energy are directed at the collagen in the venous walls, causing those tissues to naturally collapse and seal. Your body will redirect the venous blood to other veins and capillaries in order to continue the natural circulation, while the portion of the vein which has collapsed will be organically absorbed by the surrounding tissues. This procedure works in cooperation with your body’s healing abilities, encouraging it to grow new venous pathways while organically eliminating the damaged ones.

What Does the Patient Experience?

The actual Venefit procedure takes a total of 45 to 60 minutes, and the entire appointment usually requires a total of 2 to 3 hours. Effective anesthetic means you don’t feel anything while the procedure is underway, and you will be provided with attentive, relaxing support before and after the treatment. You will be able to resume your normal activities within just a few days, although your doctor may recommend avoiding strenuous lifting or prolonged standing for a slightly longer period.

Contact the Vein & Vascular Institute today for a consultation to learn if this effective, high-tech treatment can bring you relief from your problem vein condition.

Book a consult and speak to a health advisor today!

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