Benefits of Juvederm Treatment

As you age, wrinkles in the skin are unavoidable. However, you don’t have to let these wrinkles become a permanent feature. Plenty of treatment options are available for men and women who want to eliminate wrinkles and other signs of aging. One such option is Juvederm.

What is Juvederm?

Juvederm is an injectable filler that can reduce the severity of wrinkles and folds in the face and restore a more youthful appearance. This type of treatment does not require surgery and can be performed safely right in your doctor’s office.

How Does it Work?

During a Juvederm treatment, a gel filler is injected under the in the area to be treated. This gel adds volume to the tissue beneath the epidermis, filling in the wrinkles and causing the skin to appear fuller, healthier and smoother.

The needle used in Juvederm injections is very thin, and scarring and bruising is minimal. While other gel fillers are granular and may produce uneven results, the gel used in Juvederm treatments is smooth and can be distributed evenly under the skin.

What are the Benefits of Juvederm?

Juvederm offers a nuJuvedermmber of benefits, including:

  • Safety – Juvederm is a safe, non-invasive and non-surgical procedure that doesn’t require anesthesia.
  • Effective – This treatment can effectively reduce or eliminate the appearance of wrinkles for up to one year.
  • Multiple options – Several different types of Juvederm formulas are available to meet the needs of different patients, including Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus and Juvederm XC.
  • Quick – Depending on the type of Juvederm treatment you choose, the procedure will take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to complete.
  • Little or no pain – Because this procedure requires such a thin needle, pain is minimal. In addition, the Juvederm XC formula includes lidocaine, which acts as a local anesthetic in order to eliminate discomfort completely.

Scheduling a Treatment

If you are interested in Juvederm treatment, contact the Vein & Vascular Institute today to schedule a consultation with a member of our team.


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