Cosmetologist or Aesthetic Doctor? You Make the Call

When you want to look your best, you might consider going to a cosmetologist who cuts and styles your hair and applies makeup to hide your aggrevating imperfections. But why just cover up wrinkles, fines lines and discolorations? Change them!

Dr. Charles Dietzek is an aesthetic doctor trained to help you look great from the inside out. Consider some of the non-surgical services he offers that will do much more than just temporarily camouflage your flaws.

Microneedling with Dr. Charles Dietzek

MIcroneedling results in a fresher, more youthful appearance with virtually no downtime. A special tool is rolled against your skin creating millions of microinjuries. The process prompts your body to make collagen and elastin, two proteins that are needed for soft, supple skin. It’s not painful and the results will continue to improve in the months following treatment. It’s great for conditions like:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines,
  • Sagging skin,
  • Acne, chicken pox  and surgical scars,
  • Spider veins and broken capillaries,
  • Hyperpigmentation,
  • Large pores.


Dermaplaning is a highly effective method of exfoliating your skin. An instrument called a dermatone gently scrapes away the outmost layer of your skin. By removing weeks worth of dead skin cells and buildup, you’re left with a more even, tone and fresh complexion. The best part? Dermaplaning also removes unwanted hair from your face.

Dermaplaning is also great for people with sensitive skin who can’t tolerate a chemical based treatment. No scarring occurs with dermaplaning and you’ll have no side effects or downtime following treatment.

Facial Peels

Facial peels are great for any type and can reduce the effects of aging, sun damage and environmental factors. A special blend of alpha hydroxy acids is brushed on your face and allowed to work on your skin. After a specific amount of time, the solution is washed away and your face is moisturized. Following treatment, your skin will peel for several days. The effect is a brighter, fresher complexion that looks youthful and radiant.

Dr. Dietzek’s services provide long-lasting results with no surgery required. You’ll love the way you look after one of these treatments that erase years from your skin. It’s much more effective than going to a cosmetologist!

Call today 856-309-8346 to schedule a comlimentary consultation with Dr. Dietzek or one of his highly trained aestheticians who can instruct you on the right skin care routine for your skin type.

Book a consult and speak to a health advisor today!

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