Deep Vein Thrombosis Health and Safety

Vein problems can range from the superficial, such as small red spider veins on the surface of the legs, to more serious issues, such as deep vein thrombosis. You can take an active approach to ensuring your vein health with a few changes of habit. Vein & Vascular Institute can help with a number of treatments for vein problems […]

Why Does Deep Vein Thrombosis Happen?

Vein problems can be superficial, affecting the appearance, or they can occur more deeply inside the body, leading to more serious medical issues. Deep vein thrombosis is a condition that can occur from inactivity or other problems. If left untreated, the condition can lead to a life-threatening event. Vein & Vascular Institute has extensive experience […]

5 Things To Do For Healthier Veins

Vein problems are a common problem among people of all ages. Not all vein problems can be prevented. According to the Mayo Clinic, age, genetic factors, obesity, pregnancy, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to the development of vein problems. However, you can take an active approach to healthier veins by implementing a number of […]

Does Deep Vein Thrombosis Hurt?

Pain is your body’s first alert system. However, some potentially deadly conditions often occur without any pain at all. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is one such condition. DVT can happen when a blood clot forms in a vein located deep in the body, usually in the leg. DVT becomes life-threatening when a blood clot breaks free from the vein and travels to the […]